Country singer-songwriter Jim Waneka released the music video, “Two Angels,” not long ago. It’s a song about the angels we meet in life, angels disguised as human beings.

With his rich baritone voice, Jim conjures up suggestions of Johnny Cash, while his songwriting recalls Buddy Miller, poignant and expressive.

It all began two years ago when Jim heard music calling his name once again. He had set it aside years ago to provide for his family. Now, writing his own music, and recording in L.A., Nashville, and Muscle Shoals with the crème de la crème of musicians, Jim is dazzling listeners with his deluxe voice.

“And it’s the glory, I now see / It’s their shields, that set me free / The crack of thunder, whimpered when they played / Two angels came for me, two angels I’m free.”

The video displays Jim’s aura and plush voice as he and his band perform at The Viper Room. “Two Angels” is a grand song, at once stirring and buoyant.

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